[Get listed! Join NOW for FREE!]



To join the community means to be listed into our directory and to have a personal info-page to let the visitors know more about You.

This service is FREE but we ask You ta send us, along with your infos, some written music (rhythm pattern, break, solo ...) to put on Your page.
This for two reason:
- to icrease visits to your page and the site (we can assure You!)
- to give us something new to play! - lol:)

Even if You already have a web site, Your page here with a link will drive new visitors to it. So don't miss this opportunity: JOIN NOW!

Basically You have to send us by e-mail all the informations You want to see on Your info-page. For example (or view other members page):

- Personal Info (Name, Age, Location)
- Contact Info (e-mail, web-site..)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Picture
- Business Info (collab., private lessons..)
- Audio or Video File (if available)
- Sheet Music (a solo or a rhythm pattern)

Send all to community@congas.org
We will keep You informed.



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