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Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:50 pm
by windhorse
Henry Kellner's Percussion Studio is so good that I almost was willing to load the windows OS onto my mac..
But, no,, I don't really want to do that! Why slow down a ferrari by adding giant lumps of coal in the trunk, unless you've got a REALLY good reason?

So, I'm looking for an alternative for the Mac.
I've done a bit of an investigation by first going to this website:

Then, after a bit of reading and excluding various drum software programs due to non-programability I came up with this one:
It looks to be a nice analogue to Percussion Studio, albeit for $60!
Anybody have opinions or experience?

Re: Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:18 pm
by Mr. Conga
What are you trying to do, produce?

I am using Mac, too.

Garage band is great for those who play concets, or need live recording, is very simple to start recording, by just plugging one cable to your Mac, is great because is so simple, and no big cable mess, all you gotta do is monitor the volume controls on the program, so that it wont be extremely loud were is destords the actual sound.

Re: Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 1:49 am
by windhorse
Thanks for asking,,
No, not to produce,, just to write something out quickly and see how it sounds. Or to create a track with clave, or clave and shakere, or clave and cata, or just tumba, or whatever, but not have to play it to get it recorded.
The thing that Percussion studio does so well, is that you can transcribe something and check to see if your writing matches to what you hear, or that you can write some notation out for something you're currently brainstorming. Like I once wrote out a really elegant quinto lead sequence with Percussion Studio. I never was able to play it all the way through,, but just the practice of doing that has made me infinitely better at playing quinto.
So, it's a great practice tool.
And I don't think that Garage band has that capability. Though Garage band is extremely useful as a recording studio! I certainly don't want anything more advanced for recording.

Re: Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:37 pm
by Tonio
Any sequencer with MIDI capabilities will do the job. On a MAC you can use quicktime intruments within a sequencer to output the MIDI information that you can manipulate in anyway-up to the sequencer.

Lots of freebeez out there I would think.

Garageband? IMO its a toy, but it can be useful to a certian extent. The MIDI editing facility content is so limited , however.


Re: Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:19 am
by tae
Dave & others,

This looks like an older thread, but I was wondering if you came across something you like on the Mac. To try PercussionStudio, I downloaded a 30-day trial version of VMWare Fusion and a trial-version of Windows 7 (expires next March!). So far, so good. Alas, the trial PercussionStudio won't let you save. Buying all this becomes a non-trivial expense once they expire...


Re: Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:05 pm
by windhorse
Hey there Tae! Good to see you made it on the listserv!
No, I never found anything that did percussion studio-like things for the Mac,, so It turns out I have a school issued PC laptop which I'll be loading with Perc. studio.

Re: Percussion Studio-like programs for Mac?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:46 am
by tae
Here is software I found for Mac/PC and I was wondering if anyone has experience with it. My goal is similar to Dave's in his earlier posts: ... ssion.html

Hi Dave, I posted the case as you suggested! Did you see it?