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PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:55 am
by zumbi
thanks a lot, david.
that confirms my experience of yoruba mulims that are bata players.
peace & blessings

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:07 am
by umannyt
davidpenalosa wrote:The bata are consecrated religious drums in both Africa and Cuba. In Africa the drums serve the role of surrogate speech. In Cuba, a lot of the language has been lost. The situation in Nigeria is a little complicated. Most of the clans that play bata have converted to Islam, but they still make money being hired to play for traditional Yoruba religious functions.


Thanks for posting this comment.

This is just one more clear evidence that there shouldn't be any kneejerk, blanket ban on religious and political discussions here in CongaBoard. It's anti-scholarly. This is a position that I've always strongly held to.

As I've always maintained, drums historically have had (and continue to have) religious, political and/or social (communication) relevance as indispensable tools in many parts of the world.

Unfortunately, in the pluralistic, often agnostic and cynical Western mindset, the scholarly and objective discussion of politics and, more especially, religion appears to be automatically treated--without much forethought--as taboo and, ironically, not being PC (politically correct).

But, what may have not been realized is that there have been many prior postings here in CongaBoard dealing with the subjects of both religion and politics related to drums that have "slipped through the cracks", if you will, and been taken for granted as matters-of-fact. Thus, they've been hardly met with any objection(s).

IMO, it's therefore not religious and political discussions "per se" that should be avoided here in CongaBoard. It's rather contentious religious and/or political debates, particularly when they're irrational, self-righteous and demeaning.

Edited By umannyt on 1204528992

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:12 am
by umannyt
Inadvertent duplicate of my preceding post. Therefore, I deleted it.

Edited By umannyt on 1204528738

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:25 am
by davidpenalosa
umannyt wrote:it's therefore not religious and political discussions "per se" that should be avoided here in CongaBoard. It's rather contentious religious and/or political debates that have no place here, particularly when they're irrational and self-righteous.

I'm sure a lot of people would agree with you. I do. Unfortunately, in practice, political and religious discussions very often degenerate. I haven't read postings on any religious forums, but the postings on political blogs express a lot of hostility and disrespect. At one point the Yahoo bata drum forum had to be shut down by the owner because the "dialogue" had become so incredibly toxic. Politics and religion discussions in this forum have not fared so well. They have been the worst in tone in fact. I’m very interested in religion and politics, but I am willing to forgo those topics in this forum because the evidence shows that the threads will be less likely to become "flame-wars".

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:48 pm
by zumbi
it was an historical-musical question that got an historical-musical answer by an expert.
there was no judgmental attitude in neither the question nor the answer so i can't see how it could be censored.
it's all in the approach: to confirm what david said, just go to youtube and see the comments on about any video that deals with afro-cuban traditions and spirituality.
you will find someone who feel it is a chance to curse someone else for the spiritual way they choose to follow.
as umannyt rightly pointed out, drumming, as a vital aspect of life cannot be separeted from essential elements like spirituality, politics or social sciences.
peace & blessings!

Edited By zumbi on 1204548561