by CongaTick » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:23 am
I'll have to admit that perhaps selfishness is one way to view it, however I prefer to think of it as "taking care of business" first.
If I let myself think my intent in playing to an audience when I first setup and begin is to establish a connection with them it increases my nervousness. If, on the other hand, I begin with the intent of having a great time with my band and view it as a jam in which there just happens to be other people present, then my focus (and I believe the primary one) is with the music and my bandmates. Once that connection is made those who are watching/listening become part of the mix and I can relax and re-inforce the grove we ALL are sharing. Seems to work for me in calming my butterflies.
Of course my level of playing and gigging doesn't compare to your vast exprience and so undoubtedly the personal dynamics of how you mentally set yourself up before performing would very well be different.
I guess it's a personality thing. I do believe we both have the same goal-- to make that audience connection, that powerful vibe in which you and those for whom you are playing share an incredible ride. Do the mental gymnastics each of us go through to get there really matter?