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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:08 am
by spiritdrum
Are you looking for a group class or private? This piece of information makes a difference.

Buy Thomas Cruz's first DVD. This is a must.

Some bay area teachers. Already noted or otherwise.

Mike Spiro- great, pricey, doesn't have group class at the moment. maybe not worth the money if you are beginner.

Josh Jones - Mondays La Pena, beginner, nice guy, free

Lowie Romero - Timbales player from Los Mosacoute ?, great guy and teacher, beginner, good class and class performances. Uses numbers a lot, western style. Class is at Mission Cultural Center in SF

Carlos Aldama - Cuban Elder, teachs in SF on Saturdays at Mission rock (temp location). Very freeform, learn through osomos style. You will get more from him if you speak spanish. All levels not much class control but great people attend this class and there is alot of help from the advance students.

Gary (student of M. Sprio) - not familar with class, but nice guy and uses numbers alot, western style

Sandy Perez - Matanza, you will get more from him if you speak spanish.

J. Diaz - not sure if has any class right now.

Yaya- la pena. not sure if this class is going on still

Cliff Brooks - have his book , not familiar with teachng style

Just my opinion and personal experience.

P.S Come to the bbq on Sunday to meet other players and learn from Congaplace member as we all have a lot of knowlege and documentation I'm sure.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:34 pm
by blango
I can recommend Flaco. He is really schooled and is a great teacher. He has some of the best chops in the bay and studied under Regino Jimenez, and Panco Quinto in Cuba!

He and Spiro have the best education in this tradition of those who have studied it from the outside.

Spiro is costly, and not really efficient in his methods. But if you want to know about the verbal history of the tradition, these are few more knowledgeable people than Mike.

I can also recommend Yaya Maldonado, to study the Afro-Cuban tradition.

The other cats like Diaz, Perez, and Santos are really for advanced players. They usually dont have the patience to work on slaps and tones for an hour, but you can try :D

Javier Navarrete is the air apparent to the position now held by Santos as the prince of the latin scene in the bay. He is one hell of a young player (30?) and he is as well connected as anyone in the bay.

I can throw my hat into the ring as well. I teach in the North and East Bay Area for $40 for a 90 minute lesson, and $50 an hour for group lessons (max of 10 people)

Ive played for over 30 years, 15 professionally, and have studied under Flaco, Yaya, Babatunde Lea and with Sandy Perez.

I've taught for 10yrs now, and I have a clean method of passing on the tradition. As a keeper of the flame, half of the duty is to teach - to pay respect to the ancestors as well as those who have yet to be born into the tradition.

'even if its 10 minutes a day'
- Babatunde Lea

Tony Sternad

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:36 pm
by blango
Oh, also, I hear Cliff Brooks is good and cheap in the east bay, and THE MAN for salsa is Edgardo Gambon (spelling??) - I think he is on the mission.

Tony Sternad

Edited By blango on 1184337650

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:57 pm
by JohnnyConga
Also our own David Penalosa is an Excellant teacher as well....."JC" Johnny Conga... :D

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:42 pm
by blango
Where does David Penalosa live? In the bay area?