Remo Fiberskyn bongo heads - 9" head will not fit Pearl!

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Postby drumtramp65 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:49 am

I recently got a set of 7" & 9" Pearl Elite wood bongos and went to replace the stock heads with Remo Fiberskyn M6-0715-F1 and M6-0900-F5 which are the correct replacement heads according to Pearl and Remo. Problem is the 7" fit perfectly but the 9" head was way too small for the drum. Can't even force it on if I wanted to. Now I'm stuck. I can't use the head ($35) or return it, and I don't want to use one synthetic head and one natural head so the 7" one is basically worthless as well.
Raymond, these are the same bongos and heads MQ uses and he apparently had no problem switching them. You think someone from Pearl might have an answer? Thanks...

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Postby Raymond » Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:34 pm

I find your situation odd...The 9 size Remo Fyberskins is the correct size for the hembra (big drum) in the Pearl Elite bongos. I have purchased twice these 9 inch heads with no problems. Should say M6 F5 in the bongo head. Be careful there are various types of are looking for Fyberskin 3. The number should have a 0900 like the one you mentioned. Have you tried another 0900...Believe it or not a 0850 might have been packaged in a 0900 wrap. (See the bottom of the head normally it will have a number a 9 head has this number...0900F5....Hey what I mentioned could happen).

There is another hembra Remo Fyberskin that the difference in the number is the 0850 in the middle that fits other hembras, LP, etc.

My recommendation is to get the rim to the store and try it. Let me know how you solve this problem. (Check that is an Elite and is not an Primero. Primero has a smaller hembra with the traditionaal 8.5).

Unless you have deteriorate the head someway, you should be able to exchange it for the correct size. A store that does not have a return policy for this kind of article is not worth visiting again... Keep me posted....


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Postby caballoballo » Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:10 pm

Hola Bongoceros,

Unless you have the incorrect head in the package,the 0900 should fit like Raymond said. I have the Pearl Elite Fiberglass with those heads and have no problem the time I put them on. There is a big noticeable difference in size between the 9" head and the 8.5" so take it to the shop and compare and if they were pack incorrect,they should do an exchange. Arre Caballo
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Postby drumtramp65 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:39 pm

Thanks for your help guys but I measured the head from inside the hoop and across the top. It measured 9 1/16" actually. It fits perfectly inside the rim also. It doesn't seem warped either. The only thing I can guess at is that the solder conecting the two ends of the hoop sticks out ever so slightly and this might be what's preventing the hoop from fitting over the bearing edge. If I file it down a little and maybe use some lubricant it might work, but I'm going to bring it back to the store first and explain it. They special ordered them so it's not like I can bring the bongos in and try another head. Check out the pics. Thanks again...

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Postby drumtramp65 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:41 pm

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Postby drumtramp65 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:42 pm


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Postby drumtramp65 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:44 pm

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Postby drumtramp65 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:45 pm

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Postby caballoballo » Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:19 pm


The other day as I was getting interested on buying a set of Timba Traditional Crowns to replace the comfort rims,I took the measures of the shells and the inside edge of the comfort rims,they are as follow.

Macho shell=7.04" Max
Comfort rim inside edge=7.4"
Hembra shell=8.98 Max
Comfort rim inside edge=9.35"

All measurements were taken with a Digital Caliper. You said the head inside diameter 9 1/16 so according to my measurements it should slip,put some lubricant like you said and then try to force the head to go into place with the tunning lugs .
I have the same Bongó you have,the reason I am changing the Rims and the bridge is to reduce the weight and to make the Bongó look better,I just don't like the look of the comfort rims. I am a seated player, as soon as I receive the traditionals rims I will try to post a picture so everybody may have an opinion.
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Postby drumtramp65 » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:41 am

Well, I took a chance and filed down the solder then lubed both the edge and the inner hoop with a teflon lubricant. I was getting somewhere until I noticed the hoop pulling apart and the side of the head tearing. Now it's garbage and I'm real hesitant to buy another one. Anyone interested in a Fiberskyn M6-0715-F1 before I put it on Ebay?

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Postby Raymond » Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:53 am

Still saying that your situation is akward. What I think you have is one of those bad cases of bad luck. I am aware that in those situations the company loses customers.

Based on your latest postings is either your drum itself is a little bigger than usual, therefore, your head does not fit or there is a problem of the head that is a problem.

Be aware that some companies advertise that the fits in synthetic heads might be too loose of a fit or too tight of a fit and you might have to work with the placement of the head. (Have you tried that)...

Write me an e-mail and tell me what is wrong. If the store cannot fix your situation, I will try with Pearl directly. I will hate to lose you because of an unusual situation. (Hopefully, you have not done any damage to the bongo....)

Although, you have explained everything I am still a little puzzled of what happened...

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