Cuban Timba

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Postby Simon B » Thu Dec 26, 2002 8:17 pm

What is Timba?
Who are some of the better artists to buy?

Simon B
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Simon B
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Postby Mike » Fri Dec 27, 2002 10:14 am

Hi Simon!

Well, as to what Timba is...: First of all, there is a nice website that keeps you informed about :

But somehow, your question was rather enigmatic: Do you mean the so-called timba style in general or the rhythms related to it? To be honest, I don´t know much about any of these, therefore let´s see who replies what... I´m a curious boy, too ;)
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Postby Simon B » Fri Dec 27, 2002 3:19 pm

Hi Mike and Happy Christmas!

I suppose I meant the style of Timba in general. That site is great!

Another point - I was reading one guy's bongo page (he was called just 'Matthew', and sounded like a top player), and he claimed that Armando Peraza was the best conga and bongo player in the world, no question, and that Peraza has repeatedly destroyed Giovanni in challenges that Giovanni himself has made at clinics and gigs...

Well what about that then!

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Postby Simon B » Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:18 pm

Hello again Mike - I've been listening to some of the music of Klimax through - incredible, will be ordering some of their material soon. The Peraza story comes from the bongo pages from ''. Do you know this site? Fantastic material - I am now listening to 'Matthew's' favourite all-time bongo solos!

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Postby Mike » Sun Dec 29, 2002 9:59 am

Hello, Simon,
I hope you had a nice Christmas, too.

Yes, I know the, good stories there, but due to my shallow knowledge of computer science I could not LISTEN to the solos. Do you have to install RealPlayer or something?

To me Armando Perazo is really the greatest bongocero!
What he plays or rather played sometimes sounds not that difficult, but in fact it is!!! Incredible, five-star-bongo drumming..
It is really hard to get those old recordings, though...

Well, enough superlatives for today,
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Postby Simon B » Sun Dec 29, 2002 4:26 pm

Yeah you would need to install RealPlayer or another similar package - they're free over the net though.

One of those Armando solos is from Cal Tjader's 'Los Ritmos Calientes', which I've ordered now on CD (quite available). I have heard samples from the other tracks (there are a good twenty of them) and they are ferocious! The first Mongo solo he lists is from the live version of Mazacote, which he says is on an album entitled just 'Mongo', which I can't see available. On the other hand it seems that the original studio version of Mazacote is on the 'Afro-Roots' album, which I ought to get, but I don't know whether there would be a solo like the one Mongo delivers live!

Simon B
Simon B
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