Miking de Percussion

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Postby zaragemca » Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:15 pm

This is going to be only a basic knowledge in relation to Home Recording and what could expected in some of the 'studios'....Differents mics have differents characteristics,and are going to be good to reproduce, high,middle,and low frequencies.You need to start by conditioning the place where you are going to do the recording,to eliminate overtones,vibrations,exterior noises,etc.Then the proper tuning of the instrumen,then using the proper mics to obtain the specifics frequencies,the proper setting of the parametric equalization of the system which is going to process what you are recording,and the use of the right speakers to reproduce the sound,music,etc.The final project required the technical skills and equipments for the mixing and mastering.A multiple choice for mics., could be...For Drum Kick..(AKG D112 - SENNHEISERS E602,or E609 -SHURE SM57 - NEUMANN U87)....For SNARE-PERCUSSION...( AKG C418 - SENNHEISERS E903 - SHURE SM57,PG81 - NEUMANN 127)...FOR OVERHEADS..( AKG C411,C416 - SENNHEISERS ME105,ME102,ME104 - SHURE PG81 - NEUMANN TLM103.Also Shure have a package set PGDMK4.All in relation to budget,or availbility in the recording studios.

Edited By zaragemca on 1125443885
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Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2003 11:18 pm
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