Good Afternoon I too, am new

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Good Afternoon I too, am new

Postby synergy1 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:40 pm

New to this place and in many ways to the world of Congas. My love affair started in the fall of 1956 after listening to Cal Tjader at Ciro's. I've tried several times with a half hearted attempt to learn these wonderful instruments. I'm now at the latter stage of my life. Age 77 with 4 forms of Cancer and emphysema. However I'm still active enough to spend an hour a day in practice. Perhaps as I become more efficient with my practice I'll be able to play more. I've also just begun Music Theory to study when physically I can't play.

I have several books that I've read. I have not yet started lessons but will. Thank you for the add.

May I ask a technique question here?

There seems to be a difference between fingers open or closed. Is one more correct than they other? For an open tone some suggest striking at the crease between the fingers and the bones of the palm other suggest contact begins at those bones. Once again is there a correct place?

Again thank you for the add. I hope to be a valuable member.
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Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 12:14 am

Re: Good Afternoon I too, am new

Postby burke » Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:35 pm


I absolutely admire what you are doing and the circumstances under which you are undertaking your journey into learning.

The forum has gone pretty quiet over the past year or more and I'm not sure how many folks are checking in these days so don't feel too bad if you don't get a lot of responses.

I'm not a pro, but I play an open tone with a relaxed hand and fingers slightly apart.

As for the part two, there is likely personal variation, but I say generally more the latter - "contact begins at those bones" ... size of the drum can be a factor ... little requinto might require less hand to hit the sweet spot for example.

If it sounds right ... its probably right.

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Re: Good Afternoon I too, am new

Postby synergy1 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:49 pm

Thanks for the response . I found this on YouTube Changuito - Evolution Of The Tumbadoras Completo. It has English Subtitles so that's good. Do you have any idea where I might find the booklet that was referenced here on I've not found a source for it.
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Re: Good Afternoon I too, am new

Postby burke » Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:27 pm

Sent you a PM
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