Anyone ever have a similar experience??

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Anyone ever have a similar experience??

Postby Greensail » Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:47 am

Been really quiet here but thought I'd share an experience I had this evening. Have missed a few weeks playing with the band, a few of the guys out of town, but have been putting in my usual 1-2 hours on the drums each day. Almost didn't sit down this evening but went in for "just a minute". No warmup, simply started playing along with a tune, and over the next 45" of almost continuous playing, I'm realizing every strike is nearly perfect, I typically strive for a consistency in the sound, tonight - not missing a thing. Slaps were a thing of beauty if I say so myself. Fills and rolls, fast or slow, are smooth and clean. I start thinking "this is the best I've ever played the congas." More I thought that, I started to fall apart. Perhaps the lesson-feel and play, don't think but, being my approach was really practice, thinking is important and it was more my technique than any melodic masterpiece. me hope I may turn into a respectable conguero. Anybody ever have a similar experience?
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Re: Anyone ever have a similar experience??

Postby Chtimulato » Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:15 am

Hello everybody.

Yes, it can happen to me sometimes too. Maybe a kind of "good mood", I don't know. Or a kind of "feeling", "connection" to the music? No idea.
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Re: Anyone ever have a similar experience??

Postby Thomas Altmann » Wed Feb 02, 2022 2:44 pm

I'm totally familiar with that. In my experience it's nearly impossible to create this condition consciously and on purpose. As soon as your conscious mind enters, the magic is gone. And you cannot order your brain not think about something particular. All you can do is to strive for an inner balance on every plane. In my opinion this is one of the mysteries in the arts. And a good reason to rather take a walk in the forest or by the sea every once in a while, instead of incessantly practising your instrument.


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Re: Anyone ever have a similar experience??

Postby windhorse » Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:00 pm

There's a group of us who have played together for several decades on Sundays in Denver's City Park. You know how the rumba flows where each person gets a few minutes in the spotlight as they "do their thing" on quinto? Everyone has their favorite licks and style which ebbs and flows between disjointed and horrible to AWESOME and everything sounded exactly how that particular style should sound. Right? And if you're particularly hard on yourself, facial expressions can be quite entertaining. :? So, we can all tell when our friends are ON it, or not. Last Sunday was mostly ordinary, but I got into some kind of space where everything I've worked on for the past 10 years just flowed through me like an electrical field! The technique was crisp, sharp, and solid. The timing was right in the pocket with just the right swing! Somehow I kept it in that sweet spot for at least 10 minutes without a noticeable error! Wow! Definitely a banner moment. So as not to spoil the moment, I didn't play any more quinto the rest of the day.
Though it's unexpected, yeah, it can happen. Sure is nice to know that it's possible.
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Re: Anyone ever have a similar experience??

Postby Greensail » Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:25 pm

And the thing that does FOR you head is fantastic. I have a professional level drummer friend who tells me when you practice - always think, make sure you concentrate on your timing, technique, correct your shortcomings, etc. But when you perform, NEVER think - only feel. Good advice.
I'll relay a similar experience subsequent to to the above post. I had been traveling, hadn't played with the 2 guys been playing with for many years for probably 4 months. First time we got together, no plan other than just play whatever we felt like. Another great experience. I think we all were simply feeling. The mistakes anyone made were taken in stride and covered seamlessly. Like Miles Davis said "If you play a wrong note, it's the next note that makes it good or bad. If you don't make a mistake, it's a mistake." Everyone on the same wavelength. Savor those good times.
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