Transcription errors

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Re: Transcription errors

Postby martingoodson » Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:42 am

Jorge: I've avoided your question because I want to focus on the specific musical issue I'm interested in. I'm trying to avoid a philosophical discussion about the value of transcription. (Perhaps it would be a good topic for an independent thread.)

I'll just quote John Riley here: 'The process of transcribing is beneficial on many levels. First, it improves your listening and concentration skills. Second, it provides new vocabulary. And third, transcribing improves your reading and writing skills. Plus, you can manipulate and permutate transcribed material, merging ideas from different sources more easily than things learned by ear.”

Of course this is a personal choice: I'm definitely not here to try to convince anyone of the merits of transcription.

Thomas: just to be very clear, Rasua did not confuse anything: he was deliberately giving an example of incorrect transcription. I think the congachops transcription is on this level of 'incorrect'.
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Re: Transcription errors

Postby Thomas Altmann » Tue Mar 28, 2023 10:45 am

Dear martingoodson,

more and more I feel I have to apologize for not paying enough attention to you and your issue. I confess that I had constructed a certain image of you which I projected on you as a person, so eventually I was rather communicating with a ghost. All I actually knew of you was that you were complaining about the imperfection of a web forum and of an Afro-Cuban solo transcription, neither of which can ever be perfect - which in turn is nothing to get upset about, in my opinion. So I was sort of biased in my response, which you certainly didn't deserve.

Nothing I wrote was really incorrect, only a bit careless and beside the point. I'm afraid I yet have to learn how to handle e-correspondence.

Thomas Altmann
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Re: Transcription errors

Postby jorge » Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:44 am

Martin, please forgive my directness, the internet doesn't allow for normal human communcation. I have never met you, so I will cut to the chase and ask you what you plan to do with this knowledge once you understand this rhythm.
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Re: Transcription errors

Postby martingoodson » Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:36 pm

Jorge: you've asked the same question three times now with an increasingly forthright tone and it's starting to sound a little obsessive. You've made it clear you don't think transcription is helpful. Fine - don't transcribe anything. I don't want to argue with people on the internet about this topic. Sorry, I'm just not interested in that.

I've given you some information about the value of transcription - feel free to ignore that and go ahead and ask me four and even five times the same question. It won't change my answer.

Thomas: please don't apologise for anything! You took the time to create a transcription of the solo, which was very generous of you. I learnt something. This is why I posted here, even though I still can't work out how to upload an image properly after a decade of using it. It's about the quality of the conversation this site used to have (and sometimes still does).
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