Sheila E, East Coast-West Coast, and the Escovedas

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Postby Michael S » Fri Mar 07, 2003 2:31 am

Sheila E once said, in an interview, that there was an east coast and a West coast style of conga playing. I believe she stated that the east coast was more rooted in tradition, due to the influx of Carribean people to Florida and New York, whereas the West coast, without this influence, developed a more loose, freer style of playing. (Her style) Any thoughts on this?
And why do I not see mention of Sheila E and/or the rest of the Escoveda clan on this forum?
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Postby jimmy k » Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:05 pm

because the Escovedo's suck
jimmy k

Postby muddy323 » Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:26 pm

im in Los Angeles where the Escoveda's clan play at many shows. I have never heard anything that exiting...Im not saying there not good players...It could be just there choice of songs...I seen Sheila E. in summer of 2002 in Marrina Del Rey and there was no rush to buy that CD after the show. It was just OK. Now I seen Susie Hansen the violin player,with the Banda Bros. of Poncho Sanchez band at Redondo Beach,Ca and was blown away by that live set. After the show, i ran to buy the CD. But! none of that fire was projected on that CD.
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Postby Michael S » Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:42 am

I had one Pete Escovedo album and, you're right muddy, it was not very exciting at all. I gave it away. But I believe it was the style of music, just a little bland.
The only "live" performance I've seen of Sheila E was at the Grammy's a few years back and I thought she did herself well, though I'm no timbalero. She is doing good things to encourage the conga among a new generation.
Seldom does any cd capture the vitality of a live performance. It's one reason why I prefer "live" recordings over studio.
That the best you could do jimmy k?
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Postby Michael S » Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:24 am

You know, I'm sorry, I really tried to ignore it but I can't let that slide. Jimmy K, that was the first rude comment I've seen on this forum. Whether or not you like their music, style, or abilities, the Escovedos are professional musicians with a deep and abiding love for their art; they have dedicated their entire lives to it which is more than most people can say about anything. And for that alone, I think they deserve a little more respect than you have shown them.
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Postby Jimmy k » Fri Mar 14, 2003 3:38 pm

I show no respect for them, I saw a " drum clinic they hosted on video and it sucked. Pete is a moron and Sheila is an average player. She looks good and that's why she gets gigs. I tell the truth, you don't like it, don't read it.
Jimmy k

Postby JohnnyConga » Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:14 pm

Well wel well what have we here, an Instigator?..Jimmy you the new kid on this block and your not gonna fit in with that negative approach. One question.. WHO ARE YOU? Your not even registered with this club,yet. So tell us all about yourself. Do you play? How long? Do you have any Cd's out or albums.? What is your track record before you go dissing people ? We are FAMILY here and we don';t want any bad apples in this bunch. If your not willing to be part of this family find another one ,.please...At your Service...JC JOHNNY CONGA ;)
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Postby JohnnyConga » Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:17 pm wouldn't know TRUTH if it hit you in the head with a conga.......JC JOHNNY CONGA...
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Postby Juancao » Fri Mar 14, 2003 5:36 pm

I think what Sheila E. says makes sense, the East coast has had a larger influx from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and as a result may be more grounded in tradition while West coast style is a little looser. I can see that. I saw Sheila E. at a drum clinic with Alex Acuna and I thought she was pretty good. She is better than I am and so I ain't gonna dis anybody. I saw her at the Grammy's and I thought she did very well.
Everybody has the right to their opinions and that's cool it's all good. But I think Johnny Conga has a good point, it's usually the people that talk the most trash that can't back it up.
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Postby 120decibels » Fri Mar 14, 2003 6:37 pm

??? I am a supporter of free speech.

However, why come to this forum and start badmouthing people? Why bring all that anger and hostility?

How did the video "suck"? Why do you think that Pete Escovedo is a "moron"? We can all throw insults around...I hope that you can give us some background to explain yourself.

There are a lot of really interesting, experienced people on this forum. If you ever want to be taken seriously here, I'd suggest that you choose your words more carefully and back them up with something.

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Postby Michael S » Fri Mar 14, 2003 10:51 pm

I saw that performance on the Grammy Awards, with Gloria Estefan, Tito Puente, Sheila E, and Arturo Sandoval and I have never stopped thinking about it. I have the grammy nominated album that sparked that performance. Even the set design was spectacular. I'm sure it was the event of Sheila E's career to be able to perform a solo with The King.
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Postby JohnnyConga » Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:19 am

Just like in Jazz the west coast has the "smooth jazz" and the east coast has it's "cool jazz". The music that the Escovedos have made over the years are geared toward the Latin Jazz side. The are a family of musicians going back to the 50's with Pete and his late great timbale player brother "Coke" Escovedo. Just some historical fact for ya out there. Sheila E is a product of that history. .......At your Service...JC JOHNNY CONGA.... ;) MONGO LIVES!...........
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Postby muddy323 » Mon Mar 17, 2003 10:58 pm

Escoveda's are good family of percussionist...they get paid for there gigs....that is more than i can say for myself...sometime i play for free
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Postby REQUINTOFUNK » Fri Mar 21, 2003 5:34 pm

Actually, there is a video out there,in videoland, of Sheila E.,pete Escovedo and Tito Puente together recorded in1987 live in los angeles.............Sheila rips it.......also, at the NAMM show 2003 , where new percussion and instruments are displayed for future sales, Giovanni Hidalgo, Armando Peraza, Karl Perazzo, Raul Rekow, Horacio EL negro Hernandez,Pedrito Martinez and many more were there having a rumba jam, and Sheila E. shows up to everyone's surprise, knowing she's endorsed by TOCA, and starting quintiando on quinto.....I'll tell you one thing..................Her balls were as big as any guy that was there that day including Giovanni,and I'm a Gio fanatic.......much props and Love to Sheila E. and if you read this Sheila,will you marry me? lol.....peace and Love to all
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Postby quinto governor » Mon Mar 24, 2003 3:09 am

Quite ironic! I recently found out the Escovedos are Mexican. This made me think of a story I read at rmal, about Poncho Sanchez. He said when he was first learning, he approached a group of latinos playing in a park. They asked if he was Cuban or Puerto Rican. He replied no Im Mexican. They repied chacanos can't play congas, and told him he could not play with them, but with another group who were beginners.

As to Sheila E I recall someone at rmal saying that she had stiff wrist, after someone had commented on seeing her on the program 'Americanos' hosted by Edward James Almos and broadcast on PBS.Is it that easy to detect? I think I have that problem. Giovanni's 'Mano A Mano video made me more conscious of this,because of those wrist exercises he has on that video. Regarding Sheila playing, she sounded ok to me granted she didn't play much. Coming from that family Im sure she has some talent,to go along with those looks. Wouldn't mind having a photo of her playing congas.
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