Remo  el conguero - natural skins

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Postby jgregoro » Sun Aug 29, 2004 12:04 pm

Can somebody tell which natural skins will fit to my Remo congas?
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Postby Raymond » Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:06 pm

Through my research I found that Remo's El Conguero series of conga use the standard pro size of 11 3/4 in conga and 12 1/2 in tumbadora. Anything in that size should fit your congas (unless you have a quinto that normally are 11)

Natural skins????? Any kind of those size will do It depends what you want. There are pre-mounted natural heads made by the same major manufuracturers like LP, Meinl, Pearl. Some are good some are not. Some people prefer them, some do not. Also, you have those who sell pre-mounted heads not made by major manufacturer. These are the guys that get the hide and mount them "locally" with a standard size drum.

What are you looking for is the important question here...(Seems you want to improve "something" with natural heads...).

Hope this helps...

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