Rumba leadership...

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Rumba leadership...

Postby KidCuba » Tue May 03, 2011 6:26 am

Let me start by saying I'm far from a elite rumbero, I do know the instrumental percussion parts and can sing a few songs.

This weekend I noticed a few guys, adjacent to the local "hippe" drum circle free for all, playing some Afro-Latin rhythms. So I quietly observed them play tumbao, with three guys playing two drums each for a while. Eventually, they went into a loose guaguanco, with two guys playing a two drum guaguanco, and two guys playing quinto all over the place.

I asked if I could play clave, and they welcomed me. After a few minutes, I asked if I could play cata for them, and they agreed - with one of the drummers now grabbing the calves. A few moments later I passed off the cata pattern to another of the drummers and started playing chekere and singing for a few songs.

After a bit, we ended the guaguanco and I thanked them and they seemed to have enjoyed where the drumming had gone - in a more structured fashion.

I bid my farewells and went on home. I have been thinking the little group had some potential for the development of a rumba practice or half-way decent rumba, but how do I tell these guys - who are 15 years older on an average - they got to ditch all the drums and play all the other parts?

It seems pretty egotistical for me to ask, but they did seem to enjoy where the drumming went.

Hell, maybe they' are just as happy to play every Sunday with no coro, chekere, cata, etc... And I need to go back to studying with my drum machine.

Any suggestions on how to bring this up with these guys without insulting them?

I know some serious rumberos show up there once every few months when there are no bembes going on Sunday and take over their little circle. It is just interesting because these guy just seem to play with no common goal unless someone takes over there scene and then they enjoy it.

I wonder why they don't try to create a rumba for themselves or use the time to practice seriously, instead of waiting for the rumberos to appear here and there.

I appreciated they let me get some real-time practice with singing, but I guess I see a potential for more from guys who are there every week, segregating themselves from the larger drum circle with Afro-Latin rhythms, but still being unstructured themselves...
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby windhorse » Tue May 03, 2011 1:00 pm

Welcome to the club of the never satisfied.. :D
Unfortunately, if you want the group to progress you'll have to become the impetus of study. And it is like herding cats, but don't worry, they'll appreciate it, and the group will get better! Just keep on playing with them, and continue your own study.
It will be worth it, and these guys obviously need you!

All the best in your endeavors!
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby KidCuba » Tue May 03, 2011 3:30 pm

windhorse wrote:And it is like herding cats, but don't worry, they'll appreciate it, and the group will get better! Just keep on playing with them, and continue your own study.

LOL! Herding cats, that is a great analogy!

I have always found it interesting with some of the regular rumba circles around these parts, you have a steady group of guys who come every week and are content to play sloppy and take it very nonchalantly - waiting for the irregular arrival of our areas true rumberos.

In my younger days, when I was full of piss and vinegar - a got in one too many arguments urging people to make it happen on their own and not wait for the guys with the white clothes, Kangol caps, collares, and gold teeth to show up.

It is like pulling teeth to get guys to try and mumble a coro, but have one of THE guys show up and everyone is mumbling broken Spanish and Yoruba to their hearts content.

I wonder if this is specific to L.A. or typical of other scenes across the globe...
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby Mr. Conga » Tue May 03, 2011 6:41 pm

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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby KidCuba » Tue May 03, 2011 6:58 pm

Mr. Conga,

I'll P.M. you, I don't want my perceptions on what I felt was disorganized and loose to be seen as disrespectful to what was a cool set of guys having fun.

In the end, this is my own trip of wanting a rumba. ;)
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby Chupacabra » Tue May 03, 2011 7:38 pm

In my limited experience I have found that if you can get to know one person at a time, maybe see who has the best chance of adopting the change, and get to practise one on one until he or she can play in clave. If two people are now playing something coherent, then the others will probably soon follow. To try to instil the concept all at once in a group will at best get a polite "yeah, man that's cool too!" and then will quickly go back to the drum circle.

If they haven't heard the beauty of well played AfroCuban music you also might try bringing a recording of some of the most impressive, but approachable, music you have available and try to use a pull strategy instead of a push strategy. Nothing that will make them think that it is too difficult to learn.

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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby KidCuba » Tue May 03, 2011 7:53 pm


That is a good strategy. One guy seemed excited at the proposition of nudging to a more authentic rumba concept, he was trying to pick up my coros, etc... I might have to go back and indoctrinate him. ;) He also seemed to be the most advanced player, his quinto licks were better than anything I can put together.

This may sound corny, but I just want to be part of a solid rumba group again. In the late 90s, I played pretty regularly with a rumba group here in L.A. called "Los Cimarrones". I played gua gua, and everyone had their role. It was not earth shattering, but it was REALLY solid and fun to play and audiences seemed to enjoy it.

12-13 years later, I'm trying to get something re-started - a lot of the rumberos who carried the torch have passed away down here. I remember my teacher Long John Oliva (R.I.P.) tell me how he wanted all his students to start their own little groups, and I am trying to get it done.
Last edited by KidCuba on Tue May 03, 2011 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby goingquinto » Tue May 03, 2011 8:31 pm

I have a similar situation where I live, in Asheville. There are a few people who are interested in developing more of a coherent thing. I'm gonna start a thing at our local food coop, they have a dance/drum studio above the store. On one night a week, they have a salsa/folkloric cuban movement dance class, and there is a two hour slot open right after it. Seems like the perfect little opening to have the beginnings of a rumba community for Asheville. Good luck on building your community there. I watched what happened in Boulder, CO over the last couple of decades. The growth in the drum and dance scene there went through the roof. And it all started from a few small groups of people getting the word, and the rhythm out there.
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby Chupacabra » Tue May 03, 2011 9:58 pm

It sounds like you guys are already well on your way! Living in L.A is definitely an advantage!

I have recently moved from a location that has a thriving multi cultural community with many different venues for playing and practising various types of music to a part of the country that is ummm..."limited" in this area shall we say? Unless I wanted to learn the square or two-step dance, or learn to play the fiddle or accordion, or bagpipes. Not really my thing, if you know what I mean? :wink:

Out of a population of 16,500 there must be at least 4 or 5 people that I can find who would be interested in learning!

I'm kinda missing Victoria B.C now!
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby Mr. Conga » Tue May 03, 2011 10:29 pm

I've heard Long John Olivia (R.I.P. was a great teacher/santero...but i think long john was what they called him, wasn't he Cuban?
he tought many good rumberos in California.
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby KidCuba » Tue May 03, 2011 10:38 pm

Long John Oliva (I typed his name wrong the first time around) was a great teacher. I learned a lot from him in his workshops, and then by just observing him and spending some time with him on a personal level.

Some of the impromptu rumbas he led near the Macarthur Park area of Los Angeles, will never be forgotten - great times.

He was also the son of Pancho Quinto...

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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby KidCuba » Tue May 03, 2011 10:47 pm

I have massive respect for Afro-Cuban/Latin players who follow the art in geographic areas with little support of their studies. I've seen some great players from all over, and always feel like I need to push myself and take advantage of what I do have here in Los Angeles.
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby windhorse » Tue May 03, 2011 11:14 pm

KidCuba wrote:I need to push myself and take advantage of what I do have here in Los Angeles.

KidC,, I could get you connected with a great bunch of folks...
PMing you now.

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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby goingquinto » Wed May 04, 2011 11:03 pm

This is what happens when you try to rumba in Asheville. I got there first with the red congas in the middle, then it kinda went nuts. This happens every Friday night downtown when it's warm enough.
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby windhorse » Wed May 04, 2011 11:31 pm

goingquinto wrote:This is what happens when you try to rumba in Asheville. I got there first with the red congas in the middle, then it kinda went nuts. This happens every Friday night downtown when it's warm enough.

OMG Dusty! Were you playing bell at that point?
How was the guy on Djun and Ashiko with the sticks? :shock:

We're supposed to have good weather Saturday, which has been really rare this Spring.. So, Rumba's been called in the park. Looks like we'll have Ritz and Mike.. I imagine Dan and Eric, hopefully some others will be there. It's nice having that small spot, a bit secluded, and the way we shoo people away that walk up with a drum, or try to play on ours,, I'd imagine people are scared to try to join in after all these years..

I still remember the time you picked that drunk up and off of our drums, and banished him out on the lawn?! I guess that hasn't happened there eh? :D
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