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Postby Diceman » Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:54 pm

Hey GP and brothers,

I recently got hold of a Boss rc20xl loop pedal, and have been experimenting with recording the Handsonic through the pedal.....awsome.
I can set up a basic rhythm and record a loop in the fly, then play real percussion over it. I havent yet found a clean way to record from a mic, onto the loop, but I am working on it. Eventually I want to be able to layer stuff up live, but I still have some way to go before I am confident to get the perfect starting loop (after that the rest is quantised to that loop)
Only drawback is that it is only output in mono, but other than that, it is the best fun I've ever had with my trousers on.
Anyone else tried looping, and got some advice on it??

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Postby onile » Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:20 pm

"it is the best fun I've ever had with my trousers on."
Yo! Brother Diceman, you've got a great sense of humor! That's funny!

I have been looking for a device which, with the press of a pedal/or button, I could have a bongo bell pattern come in. What I mean is that too often I work with groups that say they play salsa but, for me it's gotta have the quarter notes of the bongo bell to make it true salsa! That's actually my preference!
So tell me, would I be able to play the bongo pattern onto this device and loop it so that I can call on the bell at my leisure?


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Postby Diceman » Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:57 pm

Hi Onile,

I am still playing with it, as I said, but I guess in an ideal world, you could pre record a bongo bell loop and hit the button when you wanted it, BUT you would need to tap the tempo the band was in just before coming in with the bell on the beat.
I am using it to lay down the basic rhythm eg a cascara, shaker, drum backbeat or a basic tumbao, then playing live perc over it, which can be recorded onto the loop, so you can then move on to something else and layer. You can also delete the last recorded loop, which can make things interesting. I'll try out what I suggested above and let you know if it works.
Just a thought, have you tried a bongo bell on a foot pedal

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Postby onile » Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:09 am

Oh no, now that would require me to be coordinated! :D :p :laugh:
Although, when you consider the economics of it all, it would make greater sense.....Alright Gajate!

I guess, I'm looking for the easy way out, press a pedal in, press a pedal out! Simple!

Let me know what you discover, I'm very interested in this new device!


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Postby Diceman » Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:08 am

Good News Bro',

Yep I tried it and you can record a bongo bell(or any) loop off line, and when you want to call it up during a gig, you tap the left pedal to set the speed and hit the right pedal once to start the loop. To stop the loop you hit left pedal once.
But hey, if that is all you want to do, get the pedal out. I bet you tap at least one foot, maybe unconsciously, while you are playing. But if you want to experiment with other stuff, looper are cool. I heard that Boss have now got a newer improved model out.

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Postby onile » Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:51 pm

Alafia Abure Diceman!
I hope that you are well and in an abundance of blessings my brother!

That is great news! Actually, all kiddin' aside, what I am looking for is to be able to play the bongo bell pattern (with all of the nuances of the human element), you know "kikki-kon, kikki-kon, kikki-kon, ki-kon", and a fill or two into the loop. The "Gajate bracket" won't let you do that, it would just give you the quarter notes. As for the "economics" of it, hey I'm not looking to throw good money after bad, but I don't think that this device is limited to just one thing, as you've pointed out. I could possibly get a guiro pattern, clave, shekere, pots and pans, and a cat screaming with it, right?:D :p :laugh: K'in aye right!

Thanks for keeping me posted, as soon as I can, I will invest in it. Any suggestions as to a good/great deal on it?
Many blessings my brother!

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Postby Diceman » Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:03 pm

Hey Onile,

You can record whatever you want, but make sure you have a notice on stage, that no animals were hurt during the recording of the middle section!
One thought, once you have hit the pedal, then IT becomes the time keeper, so make sure the timbalero and/or drummer can hear it or things can go off the rails, just talking from recent experience.
With the new model coming on the market, you may be able to pick one up on Ebay.

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Postby onile » Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:13 pm

Alafia Diceman!
Oh yeah, that would be a big concern. Most bands can deal with the human element (meter changing incrementally), but when you add a metronome (mechanical timing), it stands out, you make a great point! Although, I would be playing the bell pattern, the loop would most certainly be consistant! Anyway, I'm gonna try it out.

BTW I found another one which has a bit more recording time on it.....
DigiTech JamMan Looper Pedal Features:

Removable CompactFlash™ Type I memory (up to 2GB of storage or 6-1/2 hour capacity)
Records up to 99 loops
USB connection
XLR, 1/4", and 1/8" connections for a microphone, guitar, ampliÞer, and more
44.1k sampling rate
2 wide-spaced footswitches
Create repeating or single-use phrases
Double-digit segment display
Metronome with multiple sounds and time signatures
Loop decay and fade controls
Rugged metal chassis
Power supply included

Yo Diceman, I'm just lookin' out for ya'......and a bargin as well, it's listed for $299!
I have to say though, this device will be great for practicing if nothing else, you can break down the parts and play over them, really cool! Definitley going to invest in one!


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Postby onile » Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:47 pm

here's another look at it....

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Postby onile » Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:48 pm

and one from the back....

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Postby Diceman » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:14 am

Wahay Onile,

That looks pretty damned cool, does it have stereo output?
That's what I am on the market for.

Let me know how you get on with it, and keep your trousers on!!

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Postby onile » Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:58 am

You gottit my man!

I'll keep ya' posted as soon as I get it, but as far as I can tell I believe the signal is mono to the mains!

Keepin' my trousers on................... :laugh:


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Postby Diceman » Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:07 pm

Hey Brother Onile and all the electronically inclined bretheren,

I got the Behringer Eurorack UB1202FX.....excellent and the effects are awsome. I guess after I have stopped playing around with them I will only be using a touch, of FX but it makes a difference. Anyone got any advice on which effect work best in a live situation?
I have also started to use my looper in low key gigs without a drummer. Made a few cockups but you always have the erase pedal to escape, I will let you know any tricks I pick up. One which worked well was setting up a bossa nova loop using a bass tone and stick on the miced conga, I was then able to overdub a shaker in there and then just freeride (but not loop) on pandeiro tamborim, cuica etc with the basic rhythm set up.
I forgot to stop it a couple of times, and hit the wrong pedal, but hey.
I am guilt free because it is still 'LIVE' music
Onile, have fun with your jamman when you get it, you will be able to do much more than just play back kongkiki kongkiki kongki kongkiki!!

Diceman :;):
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Postby onile » Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:55 pm

Yo Brother Diceman!
I hope that you are well mi hermano!

That sounds really cool, the mixer that is. It has adds a great dimension to playing and being heard well. I really am looking forward to ordering the JamMan, and yeah! I'll be doing more than just he bell pattern. It's possibilities seem endless, with 99 loops that it can store!

Keep me/us posted on the newest discoveries that you learn with your loopstation.

Have fun brotherlee! Have fun! :D :p :laugh:


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Postby Diceman » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:34 pm

Seasonal greetings to my global family.
I eventually plucked up the courage to use my Boss rc20xl loop pedal at a gig over the weekend with no drummer, just a singer, a guitar, a sax and me. Well, after a few non looped songs, I decided to start looping with a shaker on a bossa, which I looped perfectly and then added a bossa clave and bass drum with a cajon. I could then just play around with my triangle, chimes. Very encouraging.
Everything went great until I started a cha cha cha with a guiro for two bars and hit the end loop point with the intention of going on to the congas.....and got it wrong with a very funky sort of hip hop rhythm, more hop than hip, and completely screwed the band up for another two bars while I erased it. Confidence plummited, so I held off the pedal for the rest of the set.
After a couple of drinks between sets, I plucked up the courage again to try it on a couple of numbers, and when it worked it rocked. But when it doesnt it sucks.
I guess I have to practice more, or just maybe I will resort to pre recorded loops of shaker/ guiro/ bell etc. against my principles of keeping live music live, but who wants to see a percussionist trying to get things right on stage?
Onile, I am not trying to put you off, but it is more of a challenge than I thought, and I love challenges!!!

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