RIP Ray Barretto-Great Musician, Great Man...

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Postby maelopr » Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:35 pm

Just heard of the passing of Mr. Ray Barretto, El Rey de las Manos of my greatest influences and I'm pretty he's influenced many more with his art... will be greatly missed!!

May he rest in Peace...
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Postby indioconga » Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:54 pm

Muere Ray Barretto
El Nuevo Dia, San Juan Puerto Rico
Viernes, 17 de febrero de 2006

SAN JUAN (AP) - El percusionista puertorriqueño Ray Barretto falleció esta por múltiples complicaciones de salud en el Hospital de la Universidad de Hackensack, Nueva Jersey. Tenía 76 años.

Barreto había sido sometido a una operación de desvío coronario de la cual no llegó a recuperarse completamente.

Conocido como "el Rey de las manos duras" por la forma en que azotaba los cueros, Barreto nació el 29 de abril de 1929 en la ciudad de Nueva York y llegó a ser reconocido como una de las grandes luminarias del Jazz Latino.

"No sé qué arreglos vaya a hacer la esposa. Primero habrá un momento de sosiego para entonces bregar lo que tenga que hacer. Pero él estaba sufriendo muchísimo y Papá Dios se lo llevó a morar con él", dijo a Prensa Asociada Fidel Estrada, portavoz de la familia Barretto.

"Como decía él siempre: '¡Qué viva la música!", agregó.

Barretto estuvo más de dos semanas en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Valley en Nueva Jersey, por problemas respiratorios y cardiacos tras su operación.

La semana pasada Barretto estuvo nominado al premio Grammy en la categoría de mejor álbum de jazz latino con su trabajo "Time Was - Time Is", sin embargo, su compatriota Eddie Palmieri se alzó con el premio por su producción "Listen Here!".

El presidente senatorial, Kenneth McClintock, expresó sus condolencias y elogió al músico.

"Lamentamos la pérdida de Ray Barretto, quien con su prominente y respetada carrera artística, supo colocar el nombre de todos los puertorriqueños, los nacidos en la Isla y lo s que no, muy en alto", dijo.

"En el Senado de Puerto Rico reconocemos la aportación de este virtuoso de la música en sus diversos géneros, que quedará inmortalizado por el cariño y la admiración de todo un pueblo", destacó el líder senatorial.
Arriba Lo Nuestro
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Postby onile » Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:07 pm

¡Que sentimiento me da! Ray Barretto Ibaye ‘baye torun!
He was and always will be my idol on the congas!
¡Que Papa Dios lo tenga en la gloria!
“Vengo a triunfar, dicen lo’santos, voy a triunfar con la espada en la mano..”

¡Con sentimiento!

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Postby niallgregory » Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:17 pm

Real pity ! love his music .cheerio Ray . :(
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Postby franc » Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:42 pm

i am deeply sad for such loss. is like ones family pass on. he was one of my favorites ''MASTER CONGUERRO'' and a great human being. he inspired me on loving the drums. i had few of his recording while serving in viet nam, which helped me go through the hard time of war. i will remember him always as one of the greatest!!!! my condolance to his family and friends. peace, franc
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Postby Jongo » Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:55 pm

I just heard that Ray Barretto passed away and what a shame that is. I am really sad about his passing because I just recently became a real Ray Barretto fan. A lot of his music was before my time but it is GREAT music. So I feel sad that here I am only now getting to know the work of this great musician and he is gone. It's up to us to keep the music and memory of that great generation of musicians alive.
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Postby onile » Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:17 pm

Alafia Abure JC!
Espero que todo este bien contigo mi pana!

I know that you've been keeping tabs on Ray's health up to now, would it be appropriate possibly for you to dedicate some time/music of his on your radio program. You've probably already got this in mind, but if so, please let us know so that we may tune in and remember along with everyone, the great musician and person he was? Just a thought!

Many blessings!

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Postby Berimbau » Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:04 pm

Ray was a real giant of our music. Equally comfortable in salsa or jazz, he bought a true artistry to the tumbadoras. How many of us posting here grew up on his music? How many of us wore out the grooves on those old Blue Note discs? Watched "Our Latin Thing" 3 times in a row at the movie theater? Ray, you have inspired so many of us, we will all miss you!!!


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Postby JohnnyConga » Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:15 pm

Yes I will be doing a "Tribute" show on my radio program "AL LADO LATINO" this saturday at 6pm Pacific standard, online.....Ray was my other "mentor" next to Mongo. His influence on my playing was impacted by me growing up with him in New York city and watching and listening to his evolution in the Latin music field. Next to Mongo , Ray was the only other conguero to have garnered over 10 different Recording Contracts in his lifetime, next to Mongo who also had over 10 different recording deals. I will never forget the music, and the Man,....Ray I'm crying with everyone else about you leaving us.....we will miss you!...."JC" Johnny Conga....

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Postby caballoballo » Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:14 pm

Hola Hermanos,
We are all sharing the same feeling about the departure of Barreto El Rey de las manos duras and one of the best ever congueros . I shall be playing some of his music at the club tonight even thought I always do but tonight is going to be and honor for me to play his music.
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Postby CUBOP IN CALI » Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:18 pm

:( He will be truly missed , but his music will live on . he is now in a better place playing with the great master's . Can you imagine that Rumba !! :)

Rest in Peace Ray
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Postby Raymond » Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:41 pm

Have to admit that just during the last couple of years I have started to appreciate Ray's music. Just a few months ago, I met him personally here in PR and my experience was the best! A dedicated musician and above all a great individual! (He played over 3 hours that concert in PR. The photo below is us after his concert...I was tired after a long day and the guy was "brand new")

The guys from Pearl Percussion were waiting for him at NAMM to give him a set of custom congas but he got sick the day before of the event....We were hoping to give him the congas once he got well....anyway...he is at a better place and will be missed as one of the great and most influential latin musicians of all time!

Rest in Peace!

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Postby davidpenalosa » Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:01 pm

Another Giant passes. :( Does anyone have Ray's discography that they'd be able to post?
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Postby captainquinto » Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:01 pm

My regrets to those that knew him for all these years.

Here's a discography list I found:

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Postby jabb » Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:43 pm

Hi !
yes, I am new here... pero un "SALSERO VIEJO" and I only have one thing to said...
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