lessons in havana?

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Postby CongaBoy » Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:59 am

I'm going to Havana next summer and I wan't to have some conga lessons there. Do you know any guys there who could be of any use? What about the star players like; Changuito, Tata Guines and Manuel Navarrera? Are they too great to teach?
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Postby Johnny Conga » Thu Jan 29, 2004 4:48 pm

Yo Congaboy...goto ChuckSilverman.com tell him I sent you. He has 4 tours a year to Cuba with instruction on playing congas and more, check it out!...At your Service..JC JOHNNY CONGA... :;):
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Postby Raymond » Thu Jan 29, 2004 5:47 pm

You read my mind JC...Chuck Silverman is the guy! He is a freak of Cuban music plus is a great guy! He has those trips to Cuba and he knows a lot of people.. (Believe it or not when I wanted to learn how to read Chuck referred me to some people here in Puerto Rico).

I think his website is http://www.chucksilverman.com. Write him, he'll give you information...

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Postby CongaCaja » Mon Feb 02, 2004 6:26 am

I just want to echo the above postings. Chuck has a wealth of contacts in Cuba. I'd imagine that he would put you in touch with "Lali" in Havana, but he also has some contacts in other cities as well such as Santiago de Cuba.

Btw, if you haven't been to Cuba before, it can be a challenging travel experience. Get as much info as you can, plan well because changing plans can be a major pain. Everything is done by paper, there are many odd regulations regarding all types of things and the culture of the economy can take some getting used to.

If you are going with an organized tour, the challenges might be minimized. In any case, best of luck and enjoy the music.

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Postby jdmanteca » Tue Feb 03, 2004 6:37 pm

I participated in Chuck's last excursion to Cuba in November 03' and it was a wonderful experience. The trip could probably be done cheaper but at the risk of violating the travel to Cuba laws. If you want to travel with a license and study without worry with the lessons set up for you this is the way to go. Keep in mind that the pre-arranged instruction is with a group but you can set up one on one instruction on your own for about $30 an hour.

I think I made enough contacts and learned enough about how to travel there to do it on my own for cheaper but if it is your first time or you are just more comfortable to have the peace of mind, Chuck's trips are the way to go. Good luck.
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