

Gunga initiates the Jogo (Game) by playing constant open 16th notes, (as shown at the bottom), then comes Medio, and then Viola,(all enter in apprixcimately the same way, 16th notes, or sometimes 8th notes in triple). If a ladainha is sung then, (which is usually the case in Angola), other instruments enter only when the chorus begins, in this order: pandeiro, atambaque, agogo, reco reco. Sometimes the instruments come in before the ladainha begins, these has usually to do with personal preference, and how it is done at different Grupos differs. This is how I'v learn't and understood the rhythms, and how I'v found they sound good. Theres about as many ways of playing, and combining these rhythms as there are Mestres, if not even more.

When the actual playing begins the Mestre de Roda,(playing Gunga), dips the head of the Berimbau while playing constant 16th notes. This initiates the game. Only to mark the begining of each game is the gunga dipped, but otherwise all signals are the same, to end each game and to end the whole Jogo. All the signals are played long enough to catch the attention of the players.

Most variations (improvisation), is done by viola but medio and gunga also do variations according to the feeling. In São Bento Grande all insruments enter before the songs begin.

In the rhythm noted the third bar is a variation and is not compulsory and not even advisable to play all the time. Pandeiro can play the rhythms bar two is just a variation of bar one, (plus when playing for long periods of time its easier). The noted viola rhythm is called Angolinha, and the noted Medio rhythm in Angola is called São Bento Pequena.

AUTHOR (of this version)
by Timo Tuhkanen

- played slowly -


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