by Rudy » Thu Nov 28, 2002 3:32 am
I use 2 congas and a tumba. I went that route because I felt the conga had more versatility than a quinto. In other words, its size allows it to be tuned high or low whereas the quinto would be limited in how low it could be tuned. I play the Toca Traditionals which I like tuned a little lower anyway. I tune the middle conga about a 3rd above the tumba and the high drum a 4th. Good rule of thumb for the 4th tuning is the first two notes of "Here Comes The Bride." Also, I play them with the tumba on my right and the middle conga on my left. I don't know if I'd call one drummer playing three drums "traditional" as it is a relatively recent configuration, much as some are now playing four and even five (Raul Rekow, for instance.)