Rumba leadership...

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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby Chupacabra » Thu May 05, 2011 12:14 am


I could only dream about something like that happening in this dusty, crochety old town with potholes in the roads big enough for just the antlers to show! If I was lucky there might be a couple of people from the Algonquin First Nation show up with some frame drums but the only other guests to show up would certainly be the cops or by-law enforcement. And they wouldn't be there for the rumba.

At this point a drum circle would be good enough for me!
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Re: Rumba leadership...

Postby pavloconga » Thu May 05, 2011 12:33 am

Hey maybe offer to teach them and get a little group started.
It's how I got started. I met a player who was into it, I went to his classes, then he put the idea that we could form a group to play gigs here and there. He even offered to teach those in the group for free if we were dedicated to learning with the aim of playing out.

It was a great incentive to learn and after a couple years we were playing at all sorts of festivals and other gigs. Great fun and good memories and I made some lasting friendships from that time.

Keep getting to know them, jam with them and see if you can encourage them.
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